Add lines to scatter plot ggplot2
Add lines to scatter plot ggplot2

add lines to scatter plot ggplot2

#Add lines to scatter plot ggplot2 how to

See Colors (ggplot2) and Shapes and line types for more information about colors and shapes. Infos This tutorial describes how to add one or more straight lines to a graph generated using R software and ggplot2 package. Ggplot ( dat, aes ( x = xvar, y = yvar, shape = cond )) + geom_point () + scale_shape_manual ( values = c ( 1, 2 )) # Use a hollow circle and triangle Ggplot ( dat, aes ( x = xvar, y = yvar, shape = cond )) + geom_point () # Same, but with different shapes Se = FALSE, # Don't add shaded confidence regionįullrange = TRUE ) # Extend regression lines We will add a smooth line to the scatter. # Extend the regression lines beyond the domain of the data Example 1: Adding a line to scatter points using lines () functions. regression line seFALSE) Dont add shaded confidence region ggplot(dat.

add lines to scatter plot ggplot2 add lines to scatter plot ggplot2

Se = FALSE ) # Don't add shaded confidence region Basic scatterplots with regression lines Set color/shape by another variable. Geom_smooth ( method = lm, # Add linear regression lines This will automatically add a regression line for y x to the plot. Ggplot ( dat, aes ( x = xvar, y = yvar, color = cond )) + geom_point ( shape = 1 ) + scale_colour_hue ( l = 50 ) + # Use a slightly darker palette than normal The function, geomsmooth( ), needs to know what kind of line to draw. Ggplot ( dat, aes ( x = xvar, y = yvar, color = cond )) + geom_point ( shape = 1 ) # Same, but with different colors and add regression lines To add a regression line to the scatterplot, add the geometric function, geomsmooth( ).

Add lines to scatter plot ggplot2